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How Do Users Opt In Through Various Growth Tools?

Overlay Widgets & Embeddable Widgets

The opt-in process is the same for the following widgets:

Let’s go to the Bar now. When a user catches this widget on a website, it looks like this:

Let’s just zoom into the main thing here:

As soon as users click “Send to Messenger” button, Facebook will ask them to sign in:

When it’s done, the user becomes a Messenger subscribed contact and receives the automated opt-in message on Facebook. 

After that, the Bar widget on the website will change to its “Submitted State” and the user can click “View it in Messenger” if they want to be redirected there to continue the conversation:

NOTE: “View it in Messenger” text doesn’t have to be the same for this button, you can always edit it.

And here’s the opt-in message:

The user will NOT have to click “Get Started” button to receive this message. Also, it’s not a Welcome Message from the “Automation” tab in your ManyChat account, but a custom Opt-In Message created inside the widget. However, you can actually replace this message with your page’s Welcome Message and the bot will fire it to the user as the opt-in message.

That’s pretty much it - now to the next one.

Landing Page

Landing Page looks like this to the user:

Again - the user has to click “Send to Messenger” button and sign in to become a Messenger subscribed contact:

The widget will present its ‘Thank You’ message and suggest to continue the conversation in Messenger:

No “Get Started” button here - the user receives a custom opt-in message again, which can also be replaced with a Welcome Message if you wish:

Messenger Ref URL

Now, this is a bit different. Messenger Ref URL is often placed in a button, whether it’s implemented in the e-mail or on a website. Let’s try the second option - here’s the button with the link inside:

When the user clicks it, they're instantly redirected to Messenger and this shows up (look at the bottom of the screenshot):

That’s right - it’s the “Get Started” button. This button is provided by Facebook as a way to warn a user that they are going to start a conversation with the bot, so they have to click the button first to become a Messenger subscribed contact.

Once it’s done, the opt-in message is triggered (which can also be replaced with Welcome Message for example):

The user is now subscribed to your bot!

Facebook Comments Growth Tool 2.0

Let’s see how users subscribe to your bot with this super powerful widget.

Obviously, there must be a post on your FB page which encourages the user to reply something to it in the comment section:

Next - comment under the post: 

“Get Started” button is completely bypassed with FB Comments tool. After the comment, a message will be sent to you from the Page: 

In order to become a Messenger subscriber contact, users have to type something in response or click on one of the buttons so their personal info can be picked up by ManyChat and displayed in the “Contacts” tab.

Facebook Ads JSON

Facebook Ads JSON allows you to convert users who click on a Facebook Messenger Ad into your bot Subscribed contact.

Let’s go with this ad for example:

The user can either click “Learn More” button or basically on the right side of the ad’s image to receive the automated message from the widget:

Now users will get into your list only if they click a button in your message. So keep in mind that the first message should contain a button:

After the button is clicked, this user becomes a messenger subscribed contact:

QR Code

QR code can be scanned with your phone camera to instantly link the user to your bot, no typing needed. They're great for sticking on fliers, ads or anywhere in the real world where you want people to try your bot.

For example, the user sees this post on your FB Page:

Here's what should be done next: users have to open their camera on mobile or a special app that helps to scan codes, and then hit SCAN CODE. The phone's camera gets activated right away - the user has to hold his/her camera up to the Code and wait until it’s captured. Once it happens, 'Get Started' button is displayed for new users which should be clicked so that the user could become a subscribed contact and start receiving information from your bot. 

Note: users who had already subscribed to your bot previously will not see the 'Get Started' message.


The checkbox plugin allows you to display a checkbox in forms on your website that allows users to opt in to receive messages from your bot in Messenger:

When a person is logged into Facebook in their browser, their session will be detected and their name and profile picture will be shown beneath the checkbox. This lets the user know which identity will be opted into communication with the business if they proceed.

If the identity displayed isn't the person using the site, they can click the "Not you?" link to log out. It will clear the active Facebook session and present a login dialog.

When a person opts in to receive messages via the Checkbox plugin, the opt-in must be triggered by a user action, such as a Button click:

After clicking this Button, a person becomes your subscribed contact.

Hope this article helps you better understand the opt-in process for Growth Tools mentioned above!

Having issues with your widget? Check out our troubleshooting articles - this may help you get things settled:

Widget doesn't appear/work on a site

Messenger Ref URL Issues and How to Resolve Them

Comments Growth Tool Issues and How to Resolve Them

Checkbox Widget Issues and How to Resolve Them